Metal Recycling Solutions


Vertical Aluminum Briquetting Press

Aluminum Briquetting: Squeeze Value From Aluminum Waste. No matter how you slice it, manufacturing aluminum products leads to aluminum and fluid waste. Aluminum Briquetting Aluminum scrap metal, in the form of turnings, filings, chips and shavings, is produced every day of production, piling up on the equipment
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Product Overview

Vertical Aluminum Briquetting Press Machine 

Aluminum Briquetting: Squeeze Value From Aluminum Waste. No matter how you slice it, manufacturing aluminum products leads to aluminum and fluid waste. Aluminum Briquetting Aluminum scrap metal, in the form of turnings, filings, chips and shavings, is produced every day of production, piling up on the equipment 

Aluminum Briquetting: Squeeze Value From Aluminum Waste

No matter how you slice it, manufacturing aluminum products leads to aluminum and fluid waste.

Aluminum scrap metal, in the form of turnings, filings, chips and shavings, is produced every day of production, piling up on the equipment and floor. Swept up and stored in bins, the scrap metal pieces then take up valuable floor space.

In addition to scrap, the metalworking process also produces sludge, a combination of small aluminum pieces and fluids used during the process. Like scrap, sludge is difficult to store and manage in a manufacturing facility, requiring a multistep process that can take more time, effort and resources than most manufacturers have to invest.

While aluminum and fluid waste can be costly to dispose of and difficult to reuse without processing, there is an often overlooked solution in briquetting. Aluminum briquetting allows manufacturers to both eliminate costs related to waste disposal and create a new source of revenue.

Aluminum briquette machines from ENERPAT transform scrap metal into small briquettes that can be easily stored, removed and even sold. This helps manufacturers reclaim value from once costly aluminum waste products. Each ENERPAT briquetting system uses hydraulics to compress aluminum scrap into dense briquettes and separate any fluids used in the metalworking process from the scrap metal. Briquettes created by ENERPAT briquetting systems are easy to transport or store and are less likely to experience corrosion, increasing their resale value. The expensive processing fluids squeezed out during the process allows manufacturers to reuse or recycle the fluids as they see fit.

The benefits of implementing an aluminum briquetting system for scrap are numerous. With many manufacturers looking to improve their bottom line, ENERPAT briquetters offer companies a way to:

  • Squeeze value from aluminum waste;

  • Reclaim valuable floor space;

  • Keep the workplace clean and safe;

  • Eliminate costly disposal fees; and,

  • Generate a new revenue stream from aluminum scrap briquettes and reclaimed fluids.

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Vertical Briquetting Press

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Raw Material And Products

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Product Inquiry
ENERPAT is the global company,our global HQ based in Los Angeles,United States.we have factory in England Germany and China. We focus on waste separator,shredder,baler ,shear and briquetter for various kinds of recycling waste from metal  to plastic. Enerpat Believe “Quality Changes The World”; Display the world’s highest quality; With our people-oriented belief.Choose enerpat means trust and reliable

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